Maxima Gems is an organization which specializes in helping students unlock their maximum potential and become gems in our society.
10 Workshops Completed!
80+ Attendees!
Taught in 2 Countries!
20+ Newsletter Subscriptions!
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Why did we start?
The founder of MaximaGems noticed that there weren't many online courses for public speaking, and it can be very difficult to find. That is why MaximaGems was founded to help students in their everyday lives in communication.
Our Mission:
Since it can be extremely challenging to find an online public speaking course that is simple and suits you, we decided to bring it to you. We want to aid students in their journey in becoming confident speakers and effective communicators.
What we offer:
We offer camps, workshops, and programs on the following topics:
Fundamentals of Public Speaking
Advanced Public Speaking
Performing a Script
Spar (a type of debate)
Here's what our students say:
"The concepts were easy to grasp and understand"
-- Nakul, Grade-7, USA
"It was amazing. The content and teaching was was very helpful and nice. Can't wait to sign up to more stuff from you. Thanks!"
-- Swarna, College Freshmen, India
"I thought it was amazing, I definitely know a lot more about public speaking now than before this camp. Presenting and writing speeches will be easier for me in the future. :)"
-- Kushi, Grade-7, USA